Friday, June 29, 2007

iPhone Parody Parity

I walked by the Seattle Apple Store today just to check out the line. It certainly stretched for a few blocks. I want my iPhone, but I can wait. I shot this video with my Treo 650 Palm-based camera phone.

There is very little to say about the iPhone that hasn't already been said. The reviews are good, with some complaints that the "phone" part of the iPhone is lacking, but the "i" part of the iPhone is ground-breaking. This product is not so much the ultimate palm computer, it is more like a milestone along the road to computers becoming more and more personal and simplified.

Apple has orchestrated the marketing masterfully. They know the limits of hype and how to push it right to the edge of saturation...and beyond. One thing is for sure, slick marketing creates slick parody. Dozens of sites and mock commercials are floating around the web. The beautiful iPhone marketing graphics and slogans become a press kit full of assets for satirists. It works well for Apple.

iPhone parody is everywhere: Saturday Night Live,, iPrecious, College Humor, Conan O'Brien, Craig Ferguson, the biPhone, YouTube Ad, and, of course, The Onion.

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